April 9, 2013


Today was a hard day.

I've had to make a lot of big decisions lately, and none of them have been easy. And they've all impacted other people too, in some way or another. If I didn't have so much work to do, I honestly might have taken a mental health sick day. But I pulled my chin up and went in.

I'm glad I did. And not just because I always feel incredibly guilty taking sick days unless I'm on deaths doorstep. I'm glad I did because I got to play with some of the best kids on Earth.

To be honest, one of the few things I've ever been certain of is my desire to be a mom. I want a family. Everything else I wanted has always been up in the air. While there are multiple things going on that are making me a little sad, one of them is a frustration that comes up every once and a while: I am not a mom. 

So to continue on with today: I went and played with my kiddos at the University. It's not a secret that I really love the Tuesday group. While there are more tears (these kids range from age 3-6) there is also a lot more laughter. And it was just what I needed today.

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