October 27, 2009


It is my birthday today. (Hurrah for me! Nice job on being born!)

I have now lived twenty-five years.

Twenty-five seems very adult. But I do not feel like an adult. At least most of the time.

I was going to do a post of twenty-five random things or thoughts or something witty.

But I'm not really feeling it now that I got started.

I think twenty-five will be a year of changes though. Not that I haven't had a lot of changes in the last year: I've lost a lot of friends (perhaps lost isn't the correct phrase, but for the ease of simplification, let's just go with that,) I've moved into a house, got new roommates, changed churches. Okay, actually, those really are the only things that have changed, and listed out like that, they don't seem that significant.

Some of those changes have been willing on my part, and for the better. Others, not so willing. But I hope this next year will bring some good changes, specifically in the area of a job. I have, as of this past week, sent in my paperwork for a tax id number. So technically, I own my own business. (Much like feeling like an adult, I don't feel like I own my own business.)

It's not twenty-five thoughts, but there are some introspection in there.

Here's to at least twenty-five more!


LoveRundle said...

Happy Birthday! Hope you had a chance to enjoy the day.

T.Allen said...

Happy birthday. I remember 25...it was the end of an era of sorts, things really got rockin' for me at 26. Enjoy the day and the years.
